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Managing Anger with Emer the Emotions Elephant
About the program
How to use the program (essential reading)
Supporting reluctant learners (suggested, supplementary reading)
Understanding Anger
Why children lose control of their emotions (suggested, supplementary reading)
Autistic Meltdowns Explained (suggested, supplementary reading)
Tantrums Explained (suggested, supplementary reading)
Helping children understand and manage anger (Activities for children)
Why children struggle to understand and manage anger (essential reading)
Step 1: Identifying anger (video and no prep printable activity for children) (3:12)
Step 2: Discovering what makes you angry (video and no prep printable activity for children) (3:21)
Step 3: Identifying happy (story and no prep printable activity for children)
Step 4.1: Communicating your feelings - Using Emotional Vocabulary (some prep printable word cards)
Step 4.2: Communicating your feelings - Using Elephant Lollipop Sticks (some prep printable art activity)
Step 4.3: Communicating your feelings - Using the Regulation Chart (printable chart, some prep needed)
Step 5: IMPORTANT - Learning to Manage Anger (some prep needed)
Practice - Anger Story and Activities (printable - prep needed for some activities)
Practice - Online Games (no prep)
Supporting sensory sensitivities and differences
What are sensory sensitivities/differences? (suggested, supplementary reading)
Communicating their needs (communication boards explained, some prep needed)
Download - Sensory Sensitivities Communication Board (some prep needed)
Making a sensory space (prep needed)
Identify the why
Discovering what is making your child so angry/upset (essential reading)
Examples (advised reading)
Steps for completing chart (advised reading)
How to help solve the why (essential reading)
Chart Download (printable, no prep)
Reduce Anxiety
How uncertainty causes anxiety & stress which causes anger (essential reading)
Now/Next/Then (essential reading)
How to use the Now/Next/Then approach (essential reading)
Download - Now/Next/Then Boards (printable, some prep needed)
Visual Schedules (essential reading)
How to use visual schedules (essential reading)
Download - Visual Schedule Background (printable, some prep needed)
Download - Cards for Now/Next/Then and Visual Schedule (printable, some prep needed)
Timers (essential reading)
Increase feeling of control and responsibility
Why a feeling of control and responsibility is important (essential reading)
Comic Book Mystery (essential reading)
How to use the Comic Book Mystery (essential reading)
Download - Comic Book Mystery (printable, no prep)
Choice Boards (essential reading)
How to use choice boards (essential reading)
Download - Choice Boards (printable, some prep needed)
Expectation Contracts (essential reading)
How to use expectation contracts (essential reading)
Download - Expectation Contracts (printable, no prep)
During and after escalations
What to do during escalations (essential reading)
After Escalations (advised reading)
Help us improve!
Bonus Content
My Emotions Book
References and further reading
Reference and further reading list
Teach online with
Download - Sensory Sensitivities Communication Board (some prep needed)
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